22 June 2016

Marcella came to play

Today Marcella came over to dye some silk. She is taking a "Book Cloth" workshop this weekend so she brought over a few silk blouses to use for the workshop.

The first silk blouse

This is the silk blouse out of the microwave. Love those colors

Such yummy colors

This orange silk blouse was indigo dyed last summer but the marks look brown. Bleeck

Here it is over dyed with great areas of interest for a book cover

Look at that silk!!!!!

These were three or four monoprints on cotton that I made YEARS ago. I gave them to Marcella and we over dyed them today. Forgot to get a photo of the final product.

These are some crow stencils in dye on cotton

Here they are after scrapping on thickened dye

This was a piece of pre-treated cotton I had hanging around. I just dumped all the left over thickened dye on it and smooshed it in the fabric. A bit dark but it might come in handy sometime.


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